iRobo.Activity.Amazon Textract

Analyzes a local document, after analyzing it the activity returns the document properties as a JSON/Data-table object.




  • ID -  Your user IAM's access key id. (Mandatory)
  • Region -  Region where credentials were created. (Mandatory)
  • Secret -   Your user IAM's access key secret. (Mandatory)

Local Path

  • FilePath -  The path of the file to analyze. (Mandatory)


        -The document file could be an image or a PDF file but should contain a proper document to be analyzed. 


  • DisplayName -  Activity header name.


  • JSON - Output variable of the analyzed document represented as a JSON object.
  • Results -  Output variable of the analyzed document represented as a DataTable object.

Steps of Using Amazon Textract Activity

  1. Open iRobo Studio, and then open a new Workflow.
  2. Drag Amazon Textract Activity to the Sequence.
  3. Enter your IAM's user access key Id and Secret in the Authentication field in Properties Panel.
  4. Select the Region where your credentials were created.
  5. Enter/Select the File path of the document to analyze.
  6. Create DataTabke/JSON object Output Variable for the result of the returned data of the activity and add them to the Output field in Properties Panel.
  7. Click the Save button from the iRobo Studio Menu to save Workflow.
  8. Click the Play button to start the automated process.

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