iRobo.Activity.Execute Query

Execute Query in a Database.




  • Continue On Error -  Allows activity to continue even if there is an error.  Its input is True/False arguments. Default value: False.
  • Time Out MS - Enter time out in Millisecond as Integer, to continue even if there is an error.

Connection Configuration

  • Connection String -  Enter Connection String to connect to Database as String within "". (Mandatory)
  • Existing DB Connection -  enter existing Database connection as Database Connection Variable.


         Either enter Connection String; to create a Database connection.

         Or enter Existing DB Connection, which already exists and saved as a Database Connection Variable.

  • Provider Name -  Enter  Database Provider name as String within "".


  • DisplayName -  Activity header name.


  • Parameters -  Enter parameters if required.
  • SQL Command -  Enter SQL command as String within "". (Mandatory)


  • Command Type - Select SQL command type from the list; Text, Stored Procedure, or Table Direct.
  • DisplayName - Activity header name.


  • DataTable - returns output data as aDataTable  Variable.  

Steps of Using Execute Query Activity

  1. Open iRobo Studio, and then open a new Workflow.
  2. Drag Execute Query Activity  to the Sequence.
  3. Enter SQL command in SQL Command field in Input in Properties Panel.
  4. Select SQL Command Type from Command Type field in Properties Panel.
  5. Click the Save button from iRobo Studio Menu to save Workflow.
  6. Click the Play button to start the automated process, SQL command executed, and returned data stored inDataTable  Variable.

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