iRobo.Activity.For Each Java Element

Find & loop on each Java UI Element based on the XPath selector.


         Before using Java Activities, check Java Automation prerequisites from Java App Automation Page.




  • Element Selector - Generate Script for selected Element.
  • MaxResults - Set the maximum number of the output results.
  • Timeout -  Time to execute the activity.


  • results -  A Collection of output variables.
  • DisplayName -  Activity header name.


  • Results - Array of Java Element Variables.

Steps of Using For Each Java Element Activity

  1. Open iRobo Studio, and then open a new Workflow.
  2. Drag For Each Java Element Activity to the Sequence.
  3. Enter XPath dynamic value in the Element Selector field in Properties Panel.
  4. Drag any Activity into For Each Java Element Activity to take action on each element it gets, such as Highlight Element Activity to highlight each Java element.
  5. Click the Save button from iRobo Studio Menu to save Workflow.
  6. Click the Play button to start the automated process.

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