iRobo.Activity.Get Document Details

Using this activity we can get the details of the documents we uploaded earlier, details include document Id, File Name, Upload Date, File Type




  • AuthKey - Authenticate the user to start the upload.
  • FileType -  Choose the type of documents  you’re uploading. (Mandatory)
  • Extricator URL - Enter the URL as a String within " “.(Mandatory) 
  • From Date - Enter a start date to get the documents, with this format dd-mm-yyyy, within “”. (Optional)
  • To Date -  Enter a start date to get the documents, with this format dd-mm-yyyy, within “”. (Optional)


  • DisplayName - Activity header name.


  • Json Result - gives back the details in json format.
  • DataTable Result - gives back the details arranged in a data table.

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