iRobo.Activity. Human In Loop - Run Flow

Activity that runs camunda API.




  • Client ID (Mandatory)
  • Client Secret (Mandatory)
  • Contact Point (Mandatory)
  • Data (Mandatory)
  • Operate URL (Mandatory)
  • Query (Mandatory)
  • Token (Mandatory)


  • DisplayName – Activity header name.

Steps of Using Human In Loop - Run Flow Activity

  1. Open iRobo Studio.
  2. Navigate to Existing Project or create new project.
  3. Right click on project name and create new workflow.
  4. Drag the Human In Loop - Run Flow Activity from the Toolbox.
  5. Type the Client Id in Client ID .
  6. Type the Client Secret in Client Secret .
  7. Type the Contact Point in Contact Point
  8. Type the Data in Data .
  9. Type the operate url in Operate URL .
  10. Type the query in Query .
  11. Type the token in Token.
  12. Click Save Button from iRobo Studio Menu or press Ctrl + S keyboard shortcut to save the workflow.
  13. Click Play Button to start the conversion process.

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