iRobo.Activity. Invoke Python File

Activity that runs a python script.




  • Arguments – An array of Strings for the script arguments. (Mandatory)
  • FilePath - The path for the Python script. (Mandatory)


  • DisplayName – Activity header name.


  • Result – A String variable that contains the result of the python script.

Steps of Using Invoke Python File Activity

  1. Open iRobo Studio.
  2. Navigate to Existing Project or create new project.
  3. Right click on project name and create new workflow.
  4. Drag the Run Python Script Activity from the Toolbox.
  5. Type the script arguments in Arguments input.
  6. Type the script path in File Path input.
  7. Put a String variable in the output field Result to get result of the python script .
  8. Click Save Button from iRobo Studio Menu or press Ctrl + S keyboard shortcut to save the workflow.
  9. Click Play Button to start the conversion process.

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