iRobo.Activity.Invoke VB Code

Invoke code activity allows the user to implement VB (Visual Basic) code that is not supported in the built-in activities.

It allows you invoke a method of a class. The class does not need to be part of the Workflow or use any of the Workflow base classes.



         InvokeMethod calls a public method of a specified object or type.





  • DisplayName -  Activity header name.

Steps of Using Invoke VB Code Activity   

  1. Open iRobo Studio, and then open a new Workflow.
  2. Drag Invoke Code Activity to the Sequence as shown in the image below.

  1. Click on Edit Button in the Activity to implement code.
  2. Click Save button from iRobo Studio Menu to save Workflow.
  3. Click Play button to start the automated process.

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