
iRobo is a cognitive robotic automation tool that offers intelligent automation solution to the common problems of business process management. 

It allows you to replace repetitive manual labor with Robots that can perform any human task without interruption; letting you focus on the problems that matter the most. iRobo provides a full range of components allowing easily comprehensive automation.

To request a license, go to our website. Once you open the License request page, the below page appears.


                                                               Community License

Below, we are going to explain license request details:


         All fields with * are mandatory fields. The user must enter those fields to proceed with the process.

Specify the license type Community or Enterprise:-

Company: you must enter company name.

First & Last name: you must enter full name.

Email: you must enter email address.

Phone: enter phone number.

For Enterprise License you can specify the following:-

                                                               Enterprise License

License Days: you must enter number of days your requesting for the license.

License Details

License Type: you must specify license type from the drop-down menu to add to the Control Panel License (mandatory).


         To know more about license types, go to License Types page.

         The system already adds one Control Panel License; as its mandatory to request a license.

         However, you can increment the Control Panel License count as many as requested.

Count: you must add the number of licenses requested for the specified license type; one license or more.

Notes: add any notes or inquires here.

Submit: click submit button, to submit your license request to the system. 


         System administrator checks the submitted license request and sends you an email with approval or rejection on the license with any comments.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Write EPub books for the iPad