
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use the Recording tool in iRobo Studio. The recording is an important feature in iRoboStudio that saves you a lot of time by automating various business processes. iRobo allows you to record and replay actions, in addition to modify and parameterize recorded  Sequence. 

iRobo can easily capture the user’s actions on the Desktop screen and transform them into Sequence in an operating Workflow. During the recording process, iRobo Selectors highlight UI (User Interface) Elements for the selected part from the screen by the user.

You should already be familiar with iRobo Studio Interface, Workflow, Flowcharts, Sequence, and passing variables between actions; as we’ll use these terms throughout the tutorial.

In this Tutorial, we’ll focus on Recording and we’ll use CRM App to demonstrate how to automate it.

Also, we'll explore Detector manger which is used to create specific triggers to proceed, such as Click detector which waits for a click event to be triggered, element Detector waits for a specific element to be focused, Keyboard Detector waits for a Keyboard input, while Image Detector waits for image to be found.

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