iRobo.Activity.SAP Login

SAP Login activity allows iRobo to access the SAP.


         Before login to SAP, go to SAP Processing Page.




  • Client -  enter  Client SAP as String within "", for example: "100", "200", or "300". (Mandatory)


         Client number "100", "200", or "300", are the most common client numbers to login to Cloud.

  • Host -  enter  IP address to connect with as String within "". (Mandatory)
  • Language -  Specify Language as String within "", for example: "EN".
  • Password -  enter  Password to login to SAP as String within "". (Mandatory)
  • SystemName -  enter  System Name to login to SAP as String within "", for example: "s4h". (Mandatory)
  • Username -  enter  User Name to login to SAP as String within "". (Mandatory)


  • DisplayName -  Activity header name.

Steps of Using SAP Login Activity

  1. Open iRobo Studio, and then open a new Workflow.
  2. Drag SAP Login Activity to the Sequence.
  3. Enter  IP Address in Host in Input in Property Panel; to connect to SAP machine or Cloud.
  4. Enter Client number in Client in Input in Property Panel; to allow login to SAP.
  5. Enter System Name in SystemName in Input in Property Panel; to allow login to SAP.
  6. Enter User Name credentials in Username in Input in Property Panel; to login to SAP.
  7. Enter Password credentials in Password in Input in Property Panel; to login to SAP.
  8. Click Save button from iRobo Studio Menu to save Workflow.
  9. Click Play button to start the automated process, iRobo Studio connected to SAP, and opens the SAP.


         To cancel the Notifications that appear after iRobo access the SAP, go to SAP Processing Page.

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