iRobo.Activity.Start Terminal Session

Start Terminal Session connect iRobo Studio to MainFrame Terminal.




  • DelayTime -  Enter delay time in Milliseconds as Integer. (Mandatory)
  • HostIP -  Enter Host IP Address as String within ""; to allow login to MainFrame Terminal. (Mandatory)
  • Port -  Enter Port number as Integer; to allow login to MainFrame Terminal. (Mandatory)


  • DisplayName - Activity header name.


  • OutputResult -  returns TNEmulator object.


        TNEmulator object holds data related to MainFrame Terminal connection.


Steps of Using Start Terminal Session Activity

  1. Open iRobo Studio, and then open a new Workflow.
  2. Drag Start Terminal Session Activity to the Sequence.
  3. Enter Time in Milliseconds in DelayTime field in Input in Properties Panel.
  4. Enter Host IP Address in Host IP field in Input in Properties Panel; to login to the MainFrame Terminal.
  5. Enter Port number in Port field in Input in Properties Panel; to login to the MainFrame Terminal.
  6. Click Save button from iRobo Studio Menu to save Workflow.
  7. Click Play button to start the automated process, MainFrame Terminal connection created, and return TNEmulator object.

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