iRobo.Activity.Type Into

Type and insert String Text to a selected input field.



  • Element -  Element Resulting Of a Selector Activity . (Mandatory)
  • Text -  String Text to be written in the UI Element. (Mandatory)


  • DisplayName -  Activity header name.
  • ClearField -  Clears the field before typing if it is checked.
  • Click Before Typing -  Clicks the element before typing in it , if it is checked.


  • ClickDelay - Delay time on executing activity in milliseconds.
  • LineDelay - Delay time between each line of String.
  • PreDelay - Delay time before executing activity in milliseconds.
  • PostDelay - Delay time after executing activity in milliseconds.

Steps of Using Type Into Activity   

  1. Open iRobo Studio, and then open a new Workflow. 

  1. Drag Selector of the type you want (HtmlElement, Element, Java) Selector into  the Sequence. 

  1. Drag Type Into Activity to the body of one of the selectors' activity

  1. Insert String Text  in Text field in Properties Panel, or on the appearing Text Box. 

  1. Click Save button from iRobo Studio Menu to save Workflow. 

  1. Click Play button to start the automated process. 

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