
Users page allows user to create and manage system user accounts used to login to iRoboControlPanel

It manages system user accounts; whether it is a normal user using the system or a Robot that runs a Workflow.


         Admin user accounts or user account that runs a Workflow must have rpadesignusers role.

                                                                                                                        iRobo Users Screen

  1. Click on Admin link in iRobo Menu.
  2. Then click on Users page from Admin in iRobo Menu.
  3. Search: enter user name to search for existing User Account; search results appear in Users list.
  4. Users list appear in Users page; displaying all user accounts created in the system.


         Users list composes name, Username (used to login to the system). 

  1. Click Edit button: modify any of user's data in Userdetails page for the selected record, then click Save button.
  2. Click Delete button: deletes user account from iRobo system.
  3. Click Add User button:  allows user to create a new user account from Userdetails page as shown in the image below.

                                                                                    iRobo User Details Screen

7.1. Name: enter user's name.

7.2. Username: enter username used to login to the system.

7.3. Email: enter user email. 

7.4. Password:  enter password used to login to the system.

7.5. Robot? If checkbox is not checked, then the user account is a normal user and cannot run a Workflow. If the checkbox is checked; then the user account is a Robot and can run a Workflow.

7.6. Active determine whether the user is active or not.

7.7. Save: user account is created and saved to iRobo system.

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