
Variable Table appears when the user opens a new Workflow in iRobo Studio as shown in the image below; which allows the user to create variables used in  Workflow activities. 

                                                                                             Variable Table 

Name: enter variable name.

Variable Type: select variable Data Type

Scope: Select visibility of the variable from the drop-down list; which can be: Sequence, or Activity that holds activities; for example: If Activity.

Default: enter variable default value based on variable Data Type. (Optional) If the variable doesn't take a value, it'll take default value. 

Shortcut Key: you can use Ctrl+K, to instantly create a variable in the Properties Panel of the Activity without going to the Variables Table. You just write the variable name you want to create, then click the shortcut key. Its automatically created in the Variables Table, and you can edit it from there.

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