
iRoboFlow UI (User Interface) is explained in detailed manner.

                                                       iRoboFlow UI Screen

The following explains iRoboFlow UI screen:

  1. Node Panel; user can search nodes in filter nodes.

1.1. Drag Node from Nodes Panel to Flow.

How to use Flow in iRoboFlow

How to manage Flows in iRoboFlow, from adding a new flow to modifying an existing one.

  1. Select an existing Flow from Flow tabs created.

2.2. Click on button: to add a new Flow; which is added to the tabs.

2.3. Click onbutton: search for Flow in search area, click on Flow from list to open.

                   Flow Menu

2.4. Remove or add Nodes to Flow.

  1. Click on   Debug Panel: displays debugged nodes data.

3.1. Click on : clear Debug Panel.

3.2. Click on Information Panel: displays information for the highlighted item; such as: Flow or Node.

How to delete Flow in iRoboFlow

                                                                            iRoboFlow Edit Flow Screen

  1. Double click on Flow tabs, Edit Flow screen appears.
  2. Click on Delete button, flow is deleted from Flows tabs.

How to use Nodes in iRoboFlow

How to use Nodes in iRoboFlow, from adding a new node to modify an existing one.

                                                       iRoboFlow Node Screen

The following explains iRoboFlow Node screen:

  1. Drag required nodes from Nodes Panel into Flow.

How to connect Nodes in iRoboFlow

  1. Drag Line connector from Node Connectors in Node; to connect nodes together.

How to delete Nodes in iRoboFlow

  1. Click on Node to select.
  2. Click on Delete button from the Keyboard, Node is deleted from the Flow.

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