
iRobo is a RPA tool that offers intelligent automation solutions to the common problems of business process management.

It allows you to replace repetitive manual labor with robots that can perform any human task without interruption letting you focus on the problems that matter the most.

iRobo Solution Architecture diagram illustrates the flow of data within iRobo Components composed in various business layers.

                                                                                    iRobo Solution Architecture Diagram

Server Side

Persistency Layer

No SQL Database/ Reporting And Analytics 

iRobo handles any type of Database and reporting/ analytics.

Service Layer 

API Service and End Point (Business Logic) 

iRobo uses API Services to integrate with 3rd Party Services and Back-end systems; which is fulfilled through iRobo Flow.

Presentation Layer

iRobo Control Panel

User Management: manages iRobo user accounts and its authorization on the system functionalities.

Asset: Data Object (entities) that stores Data in the iRobo system.

Workflows: runs Workflows created in iRobo Flow.

Running Robots: runs Workflows created in iRobo Studio. 

iRobo Flow

Reset API Calls & Integration: iRobo Flow is a powerful workflow engine that allows you to integrate with any system using API. 

Workflows: runs Workflows created in iRobo Flow.

Third Party Integration: iRobo Flow provides built-in nodes to integrate with more than 2000 systems or processes.

Jobs & Scheduling: schedules jobs to run the automated processes in a specified date and time.

3rd Party Integration

Third-Party Integration Services: other vendor solutions or services that integrate with iRobo Solution.

Back-end Systems: Business Back-end systems used that integrates with iRobo Solution.

Client Side

Browser: runs iRobo Workflows using iRobo Control Panel in a Web Browser.

iRobo Robot

Runner/ Executor: runs iRobo Workflows.

iRobo Studio: develops Workflows.

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