
Roles page allows user to manage user's role and authorization in iRobo  system. From Roles page, user can  grant/ deny permissions on iRobo system functionalities to system user accounts.


         By adding user account as a member to a role, the user is granted authorization on this system functionality. 

                                                                                                        iRobo Roles Screen

  1. Click on Admin link in iRobo Menu.
  2. Then click on Roles page from Admin in iRobo Menu.
  3. Search: enter roles name to search for existing roles; search results appear in Roles list.
  4. Roles list appear in Roles page; displaying all roles created in the system.


         Roles list composes Role name, members (number of user accounts added to this role)

  1. Click Edit button:  Role details page for the selected role opens allows the user to add user accounts to the role, then click Save button.
  2. Click Delete button: deletes role from iRobo system.


         Users cannot delete roles that are predefined system Roles. the user is only allowed to delete created roles by users. 

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