iRobo.Activity.Excel Add Chart

Add a chart to an Excel file with extracting its data from a specified cell range.


         Before using Office Activities, check Office Automation prerequisites from Office Page.




  • Category Title -   Text appears on Chart X-axis.
  • Graph Title -  Text appears on Chart title.
  • Value Title -   Text appears on Chart Y-axis.


  • FileName -   Excel File path. (Mandatory)
  • Range - Specify cell range to read data from as "A1, C6".
  • Worksheet -  Excel Sheet to read data from.


  • DisplayName - Activity header name.
  • Visible -  Visible or not. Its input is True/False arguments.


  • Execution Result - returns Boolean Variable. If the execution succeeds, returns True. Otherwise, it returns False.


  • ReadPassword - Enter the password to read the file, if the file requires a password.
  • WritePassword - Enter the password to modify the file, if the file requires a password.


  • Workbook -  Specify Excel Workbook.

Steps of Using Excel Add Chart Activity

  1. Open iRobo Studio, and then open a new Workflow.
  2. Drag Excel Add Chart Activity to the Sequence.
  3. Enter Excel file path including name and extension in Filename in Input in the Property Panel. 
  4. Enter File name and path are displayed in File Name field in Properties Panel.
  5. Enter Range of cells to read data from in Input in Properties Panel.
  6. Enter  Worksheet to read data from in Input in Properties Panel.
  7. Click Save button from iRobo Studio Menu to save Workflow.
  8. Click Play button to start the automated Process, the chart added to the specified Excel Worksheet.

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