iRobo.ControlPanel.Add Schedule

Add Schedule page allows the user to add a schedule in Scheduled Job in the iRobo system

                                                                                                             iRobo Add Schedule Screen

  1. Click on Schedulers from iRobo Menu.
  2. Then click on Add Schedule from Schedulers in iRobo Menu. The schedule page appears to allow the user to add a schedule to Scheduled Job.
  3. Name: enter job name.
  4. TimeZone: enter your TimeZone.
  5. Project: select project name.
  6. Process - Workflow: select workflow created in iRobo Studio from list.
  7. Robot - Machine: select Robot machine using iRobo Studio.
  8. Active: mark checkbox to make the scheduled job running on the selected Robot.


         If the checkbox is unmarked, then the Scheduled Job becomes Deactive.

         Deactive means the job is scheduled but not running.

  1. Select Time interval from the list to run the Scheduled job at the specified time; Minute, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
  2. On Selecting Monthly in the previous step, specify Day, Month, Hour, and Minutes to run the Scheduled job.
  3. Click Create Schedule button: schedule is saved and added to Scheduled Job list in Scheduled Job Page.

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