iRobo.ControlPanel.Scheduled Job

Scheduled Job page displays all scheduled jobs in iRobo system

It displays Job Name,  Workflow, date of creation, and status.

                                                                                                 iRobo Scheduled Job Screen

  1. Click on Schedulers from iRobo Menu.
  2. Then click on Scheduled Job from Schedulers in iRobo Menu.
  3. A list of Scheduled Jobs appear displaying Job Name, Process (Workflow name), Creation Date and Status.


         Status is either; Active or Deactive.

          If it is Active, the Workflow in the scheduled job is running on the selected Robot.

          If it is Deactive, the schedule is saved but not running.

  1. Click   Edit button: opens the scheduled job to modify its data, then click the Save Schedule button to save changes.


         For more information about Schedule, go to Add Schedule page.

  1. Click Delete button: deletes Scheduled job from Scheduled Job list.
  2. Click Add Schedule button: forwards user to Add Schedule page.


         For more information about Schedule, go to Add Schedule page.

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