iRobo.Activity.Get Asset

Gets specified asset by using provided asset ID from  Assets page in iRoboControlPanel.


         If the asset is not global, it must be assigned to the local robot in order to be retrieved.

         Assets are managed from Assets page in iRoboControlPanel.




  • AssetIDName - Asset Name to get. (Mandatory)
  • AssetIDNumber - Asset ID to get. (Mandatory)
  • FailOnNotFound - Fail on not finding asset or not. Its input is True/False arguments.
  • Query - A query to get the asset by (Mongo DB Query). ((Mandatory)


  • DisplayName -  Activity header name.


  • Result - A JObject output variable for the result. (Mandatory)

Steps of Using Get Asset Activity

  1. Open iRobo Studio, and then open a new Workflow.
  2. Drag Get Asset Activity to the Sequence.
  3. Get ID of required Asset from  Assets page in iRoboControlPanel and add it to AssetIDNumber field in Properties Panel.
  4. Create AssetResult  Variable with JObject  Data Type.
  5. Assign AssetResult  Variable the default JSON expression, such as: {JObject.Parse("{'name':' John ','Age':'30'}")}.
  6. Add AssetResult Variable to Result field in Output in Properties Panel.
  7. Click Save button from iRobo Studio Menu to save Workflow.
  8. Click Play button to start the automated process.

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