
iRobo Multi-Node Deployment allows you to deploy iRobo Solution on a multi-node, as explained in the below diagram.

                                                                                     iRobo Multi-Node Deployment Diagram

iRobo Solution Multi-Node Deployment:

Here comes the role of the Load Balancer that allows you to create more than iRobo node instance, and each communicates with other iRobo components.

iRobo Studio/ Web Browser 

Either through iRobo Studio or various Web Browsers connects with the Load Balancer.

Load Balancer

Here comes the role of the Load Balancer to balance the load coming from iRobo Studio/ Web Browser on created iRobo instances.


Each node instance composes iRobo Control Panel, Messaging MOM, and iRobo FLow. It connects with iRobo Data-store Cluster. There are two-way connections between each of them.


         Applications send and receive messages to and from the messaging system (Messaging MOM). 

iRobo Data-store Cluster

It composes available various Mongo DB Shards that connect with iRobo instances.


You can search the Internet for Mongo DB Shards using Data, Mongo Query Router, and Mongo Configuration.  

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