
iRobo Single Node Deployment allows you to deploy iRobo Solution only on a single node, as explained in the below diagram.

                                                                                   iRobo Single Node Deployment Diagram

iRobo Solution Single Node Deployment:

KuberNets/ OpenShify POD

It connects all iRobo Components together which composes the following: 

iRobo No SQL Data Store/ Analytics

iRobo does not require any SQL Database; which allows it to connect smoothly to the iRobo Control Panel.

iRobo Control Panel

It connects with Messaging MOM; which sends and receives messages to and from the messaging system. Then, it connects with iRobo Studio and various Web Browsers.

Messaging MOM (Message Oriented MiddleWare )

 It passes the Data between applications using a communication channel that carries self-contained units of information (messages). In a MOM-based communication environment, messages are usually sent and received asynchronously. Applications send and receive messages to and from the messaging system. It connects with iRobo Flow including Docker containers.

iRobo Flow

It connects with Messaging MOM; which connects vise versa with the iRobo Control Panel.

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