iRobo.Activity.Open File

Opens a File in a specified directory.                                                                                        





  • FileName - enter name and path. Once you select the file from the activity button, its added here. (Mandatory) 


  • DisplayName -  Activity header name.


  • Result -  create a Boolean Variable to return the result of finding the file or not.

Steps of Using Open File Activity   

  1. Open iRobo Studio, and then open a new Workflow.
  2. Drag Open File Activity to the Sequence.
  3. Click on the button in the Activity to search for the file to be opened.
  4. Create a Boolean Variable in Result field in Properties, then click Ctrl+K to instantly create it in the Variable Table
  5. Click Save button from iRobo Studio Menu to save Workflow.
  6. Click Play button to start the automated process, the file in the specified location is opened.

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