
iRoboFlow custom Workflow Nodes are used to create a workflow that do some actions.

Workflow in Node is used as an entry point to run Workflow from iRobControlPanel.


         Workflow created in iRoboFlow can be visible either to iRoboControlPanel user or Robot user (iRoboStudio); through some properties.

To Edit Workflow in node follow these steps:

  1. Double click on Workflow in node
  2. Edit Workflow in node Panel is opened to the right as shown in the image below.

  1. Modify any of the node properties.

3.1. Name: enter node name.

3.2. User form Checkbox: if checked, Workflow is visible in iRoboControlPanel.

3.3. Robot form Checkbox: if checked, Workflow is visible in iRobo Studio.

  1. Click Done button: save changes to the system.
  2. Click Cancel button: cancel operation and close screen.
  3. Click Delete button: deletes node from the Flow.
  4. Information Panel: display node information; such as node id, name and type.

Workflow Out Node is used to end a Workflow with selecting its state; such as: Completed successfully.

To Edit Workflow out node follow these steps:

  1. Double click on Workflow out node
  2. Edit Workflow out node Panel is opened to the right as shown in the image below.

  1. Modify any of the node properties.

3.1. Name: enter node name.

3.2. State drop-down menu: select Workflow node out state from drop-down menu; 

       such as completed successfully, waiting for input, pending,completed with error.

3.3. Form drop-down menu: if checked, Forms created in iRoboControlPanel.

  1. Click Done button: save changes to the system.
  2. Click Cancel button: cancel operation and close screen.
  3. Click Delete button: deletes node from the Flow.
  4. Information Panel: display node information; such as node id, name and type.

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