
To login to iRobo Agent, the user must use the iRobo Studio user account that allows the user only to run Workflows created by the logged user account. Workflows are created under Projects.

Click on the iRobo Agent icon , to start using iRobo Agent.   

                        iRobo Agent Login Screen

Login: enter username and password, then click Sign In to log to the system.

Remember me: mark checkbox; to save login credentials.

iRobo Agent

iRobo Agent's main screen opens, allowing the user to run Workflows created by the logged user account.

                                iRobo Agent Main Screen


         In iRobo Agent footer, a message appears notifying the user that iRobo Agent is connected.

         If the "Connecting" message does not appear, then the user account is not properly logged to the system.

         To check iRobo Agent connectivity, go to the Installation Steps Page, and iRobo Agent Installation Page 

         to check Settings and Configurations. 

Search: Project/ Workflow by name.

Project Name: contains a list of Projects including Workflows created within this Project.

Workflow Name: displays a list of Workflows created under this Project.


Click on Menu; two buttons appear as shown in the image below.

                      Settings Tab Screen

Click on Sign Out button: user account is logged out.

Click on Settings button: Settings File is opened as shown in the image below. Change iRobohost to be thebsame as iRobo Studio and iRobo Control Panel.


        For more information on iRobohost, go to the Installation Steps page to check Settings and Configurations. 

              iRobo Settings File 

General Tab/ Runtime 

Click on   Play button: run the automated process of the selected Workflow appears under Process Name, as shown in the iRobo Agent Main Screen.

Click on Stop button: stop the running Workflow.

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