

       Apply the prerequisites properly before using the iRobo studio.

iRobo Studio

  • .NET Framework version 4.5.0 or greater

Windows Resolution

iRobo Studio works with all display resolutions but you need to set the scale to 100%, and after making this change,you must restart the iRobo Studio to apply changes to it.

Web Automation Workflows

  • Confirm using the suitable iRobo web extension installed based on the used browser whether Chrome, Firefox or Edge. 
  • Then, confirm that is connected to (Studio / Agent).

Java Application Automation Workflows

In order to go through Java Automation, you need to install the below: 


  1. JRE : 
  2. JSE :
  3. Access bridge :
  4. Enable Java Access Bridge, to do that use command prompt and navigate the location you installed the JDK then use this command: (jabswitch.exe /enable). 
  5. You should receive this message (The Java Access Bridge has been enabled).
  6. Finally, click on Run Java Bridge button in iRobo studio

Outlook Email Automation Workflows

  • Check to install one of the following Outlook versions:-(2013, 2016 and 2019) on your machine and set its configuration properly.

Office Automation Workflows

  • Check that MS Office is properly installed and run workflow manually at first to confirm that there is no problem on the machine itself.

Workflows includes configuration / Settings / Paths: 

  • If you develop a Workflow and  set paths on it like (D:\files\test.xlsx), you need to identify and  set shared and unified paths  accessible by machines that supposed to run those Workflows. if this path is not accessible/identified, in turn, the Workflow doesn't work.

iRobo Agent

Windows Resolution

iRobo Agent works with all display resolutions but you need to set the scale to 100%, and after making this change, you must restart the iRobo Agent to apply changes to it.

iRobo solution supports the following browsers:-

Google Chrome, Edge.

iRobo Web Extension Add-on:-

Add iRobo extension to your Web Browser to handle web automation processes.

Follow these steps to add iRobo extension to Chrome (as an example):

1- In Google search, enter iRobo extension add on to search for and then click enter.

2- Click on iRobo -Google Chrome.

3- iRobo page appears, click on Add to Chrome button.

4- Click on Add extension button.

5- iRobo extension is added to Chrome.

iRobo ControlPanel Server - iRobo Flow

Install Docker Version no.


         Execute Docker-Compose file to run dependent services in containers; like: Mongo DB, RabbitMQ for 

         Message Queuing , Node-Red (iRoboFlow).

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