iRobo.Activity.Input Dialogue

Dialogue box that prompts the user with label message and input field.



  • Default -  Default input value in the input field. (Mandatory)
  • Message -  Label message of the form field. (Mandatory)
  • Title -  Input title dialogue. (Mandatory)


  • DisplayName -  Activity header name.


  • Result -  The value inserted by the user in the input dialogue.

Steps of Using Input Dialogue Activity  

  1. Open iRobo Studio, and then open a new Workflow.
  2. Drag Input Dialogue Activity to the Sequence.
  3. Enter label Message and Title in Properties Panel.
  4. Create String Variable in  Variable Table to get the inserted value by the user and add it in Result field in Properties Panel.
  5. Click Save button from iRobo Studio Menu to save Workflow.
  6. Click Play button to start the automated process.

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