
Workflows page allows user to manage Workflows created in NodeRED. It allows the user to run the Workflow Flow of Tasks in the same window, modify its properties or delete it.


A Workflow creates a whole process using the Robot to automate any business process; for example: run API that integrates with other systems, automate a process where the user fills some form data or send email, etc... 


         For more information about, go to iRobo Flow Overview Page, and iRobo Flow Integration Page.

                                                                                                                    iRobo Workflows Screen

  1. Click on iRobo  Flow link in iRobo Menu.
  2. Then click on Workflows page from iRobo Flow in iRobo Menu.
  3. Search: enter Workflow name to search for existing Workflow; search results appear in Workflows list.
  4. Show sub Workflows: if checked, display subsidiary Workflows in Workflows list; in case the main Workflow has a sub Workflow.
  5. Workflows list appear in Workflows page; displaying Workflows created in iRoboFlow.


         Workflows list composes Workflow name, Play (runs Flow of Tasks in Workflow), Last Updated (display last time Workflow is updated).

  1. Click Play button: runs Flow of Tasks in a Workflow in the same window.


         In order to play Workflow on iRobo Studio, user's workstation must be running. 

  1. Click Edit button: opens Workflow out node properties used to create the workflow in NodeRed.


         For more information about Workflow out node, go to  Workflow Node in iRobo Custom Nodes in iRoboFlow.

  1. Click Delete button: deletes Workflow from Workflows list.

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