
After configuring SaleForce integration with iRoboFlow. Let's see how to set these configurations in SalesForce Node.

Let's check out the steps below:

  1. Double- click on SalesForce node.

  1. In its Properties, select Add new Connection-config from Connection field. Then click on edit button next to it as shown in the image below.


  1. Add new connection-config node Properties appear as shown in the image below.



  1. Now, go to Connected Apps in SalesForce to copy Some data from the connection you've created to add it to Properties as shown in the image below.



         For more information on Connection, go to SalesForce Integration page.

  1. Click on the iRoboFlowCon we've created in Connected Apps. iRoboFlowCon data appears as shown in the image below.



  1. From iRoboFlowCon, copy Consumer Key, Consumer Secret (click to reveal) and Calback URL.

  1. Go to Add new connection-config node Properties in Step no.3, and paste this data each in its relevant field.

  1. Also add your User name and Password SalesForce credentials in Add new connection-config node Properties in Step no.3.

  1. Then, click Add button in Add new connection-config node Properties in Step no.3, to add this connection to SalesForce Connection field.

  1. Back to SalesForce node Properties in Step no.2.

  1. Select iRoboFlowCon, the connection we've just created from Connection field then click Done button as shown in the image below.


  1. Finally, the SalesForce connection is set for the SaleForce node.

  1. Now, you can create your workflow and start integrating with SalesForce.

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